"A la perrita de mi hermana le encanta 7.2 Recovery with HydroFX! El perro es un labrador que tarda mucho en levantarse y ha estado teniendo problemas de las articulaciones. Un día particularmente malo, ella estaba rígida y con un montón de problemas para caminar, así que puse media tableta Recovery en un poco de mantequilla de cacahuete y se lo di en la noche.
Le dije a mi hermana que le diera la otra mitad a la mañana siguiente .... llegado mañana, la perra ya se estaba moviendo libremente! Mi hermana no lo podía creer! Los resultados sucedieron con tanta rapidez. Estaba corriendo y jugando como una versión joven de ella misma! Espero que los veterinarios escucharan hablar de Recovery (para perros)! "
~ Angela St. J., OR
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7.2 Products...for my dog?? We hear from people all the time who have given their beloved furry family member 7.2 products with great results!
"My sister's dog loves 7.2 Recovery with HydroFX! The dog is a lab that is getting up there in years and has been having joint issues. One particularly bad day, she was stiff and having a lot of trouble walking, so I put half a Recovery tablet into some peanut butter and gave it to her in the evening.
I told my sister to give her the other half the next morning.... come morning, the dog was already moving freely! My sister could not believe it! The results happened so quickly. She was up running and playing just like a much young version of herself! I hope Veterinarians hear about Recovery (for dogs)!"
~Angela St. J., OR